Brief History of the Trades House Lodge No. 1241
A movement was initiated during the Spring of 1920 to form a Lodge of Freemasons connected with the Trades House and the fourteen Incorporations and a meeting was held in The Trades Hall on 14th April, 1920, at which it was resolved to proceed with the necessary application to The Grand Lodge of Scotland.
A Committee comprising one representative of each Incorporation was appointed to carry this resolution into effect, and a Charter was granted by Grand Lodge on 4th November, 1920. On Wednesday, 17th November, 1920, The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge No. 1241 was erected and consecrated in the Trades Hall, 85 Glassford Street.
The Ceremony of erection and consecration was performed by Brother A. A. Hagart Speirs, D.L., J.P., of Elderslie, Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow.
One hundred and fourteen members of Lodges having, as Founders presented the petition to Grand Lodge, were admitted Life Members - of these, twenty-seven were Deacons or Visitors, thirty-three were Past Masters, and six had held both offices.
The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge meets in the Trades Hall on the 2nd Monday of each of the months of October, November, December, February and March at 6.30pm.
The Lodge also runs the Trades House of Glasgow's annual Burns Supper each year in January.
Books on The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge 1241
Published: 1945
Author: Brother The Reverend William J. Baxter
Available from: The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge 1241
Contents: A sketch of the history of the first quarter century of the Masonic Lodge from 1920 to 1945. It has lists of Past Masters, secretaries, treasurers, Honorary members, members, of people holding positions in the Lodge and much more.
A movement was initiated during the Spring of 1920 to form a Lodge of Freemasons connected with the Trades House and the fourteen Incorporations and a meeting was held in The Trades Hall on 14th April, 1920, at which it was resolved to proceed with the necessary application to The Grand Lodge of Scotland.
A Committee comprising one representative of each Incorporation was appointed to carry this resolution into effect, and a Charter was granted by Grand Lodge on 4th November, 1920. On Wednesday, 17th November, 1920, The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge No. 1241 was erected and consecrated in the Trades Hall, 85 Glassford Street.
The Ceremony of erection and consecration was performed by Brother A. A. Hagart Speirs, D.L., J.P., of Elderslie, Provincial Grand Master of Glasgow.
One hundred and fourteen members of Lodges having, as Founders presented the petition to Grand Lodge, were admitted Life Members - of these, twenty-seven were Deacons or Visitors, thirty-three were Past Masters, and six had held both offices.
The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge meets in the Trades Hall on the 2nd Monday of each of the months of October, November, December, February and March at 6.30pm.
The Lodge also runs the Trades House of Glasgow's annual Burns Supper each year in January.
Books on The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge 1241
Published: 1945
Author: Brother The Reverend William J. Baxter
Available from: The Trades House of Glasgow Lodge 1241
Contents: A sketch of the history of the first quarter century of the Masonic Lodge from 1920 to 1945. It has lists of Past Masters, secretaries, treasurers, Honorary members, members, of people holding positions in the Lodge and much more.