British Empire Censuses
Second report from the Select Committee on Emigration from the United Kingdom ~ 1827
Census of the British Empire 1861 ~ England and Wales
Census of the British empire 1861 ~ Scotland Ireland and the British Colonies
Census of the British empire 1901
The census and some of its uses, outlining a plain philosophy of population, There is no wealth but life. Census Act: 1920
Colonial Population ~ 1937
Scottish Emigration in General
Scottish colonial schemes, 1620-1686 ~ 1922
The Scot in Ulster: sketch of the history of the Scottish population of Ulster ~ 1888
The Great Migration (1937)
Scots in America
Scotland's mark on America ~ 1921
The Scot in America, and the Ulster Scot ~ 1912
Second report from the Select Committee on Emigration from the United Kingdom, 1827
Scots and Scots' descendants in America
Scots in Canada
A narrative of the rise and progress of emigration from the counties of Lanark & Renfrew to the new settlements in Upper Canada on government grant ~ 1821
The Scotsman in Canada ~ 1911
The Canadian Scot ~ 1921
Scots in Canada: a history of the settlement of the Dominion from the earliest days to the present time ~ 1911
Report on immigration to New Brunswick, in 1873 ~ 1874
Second report from the Select Committee on Emigration from the United Kingdom ~ 1827
Census of the British Empire 1861 ~ England and Wales
Census of the British empire 1861 ~ Scotland Ireland and the British Colonies
Census of the British empire 1901
The census and some of its uses, outlining a plain philosophy of population, There is no wealth but life. Census Act: 1920
Colonial Population ~ 1937
Scottish Emigration in General
Scottish colonial schemes, 1620-1686 ~ 1922
The Scot in Ulster: sketch of the history of the Scottish population of Ulster ~ 1888
The Great Migration (1937)
Scots in America
Scotland's mark on America ~ 1921
The Scot in America, and the Ulster Scot ~ 1912
Second report from the Select Committee on Emigration from the United Kingdom, 1827
Scots and Scots' descendants in America
Scots in Canada
A narrative of the rise and progress of emigration from the counties of Lanark & Renfrew to the new settlements in Upper Canada on government grant ~ 1821
The Scotsman in Canada ~ 1911
The Canadian Scot ~ 1921
Scots in Canada: a history of the settlement of the Dominion from the earliest days to the present time ~ 1911
Report on immigration to New Brunswick, in 1873 ~ 1874